Assignment 1 – Research Project Details

Assignment 1 – Research Project Details

Assignment 1 – Research Project Details

Due:                            Sunday of Week 3, 11pm AEST

Length:           500 words approximately

Weighting:      15%


Use the template below to present your research project idea. Responses need to be written in full sentences, not in bullet points. You must attach a letter from your industry partner which should include the following details – (i) company name and address, (ii) name, position and contact number of the owner/manager approving your proposed project, and (iii) student name approved for undertaking research in their organisation. Submit this assignment through Turnitin.


Report titleWhat is your report’s title?
Industry partnerWho is your industry partner?

Note: If you want to keep your industry partner’s name confidential, just say Company X. Provide an overview of the organisation's background (industry, number of employees, your connection to the organisation, etc.)
Research fieldWhat is your research field/discipline?

E.g. Marketing/Human Resource Management/Knowledge management/….
Overarching problemWhat problems is your industry partner facing?

What specific problem will your research project explore and try to resolve?

Why is it important to solve this problem?
Overarching research aimWhat does your research aim to explore/investigate?

Here you have to translate your industry partner’s real problem into a specific research aim, which will guide your project.
Research questions(s)What are your research question(s?

Based on the overarching research aim, formulate research questions that will guide your project.
Literature review: Keywords used for literature searchWhat keywords will you use?

These keywords should help you find relevant literature in the area of your research problem.
Literature review: Name 2 relevant articlesProvide full details (in Harvard style) of at least 2 relevant articles/reports you will use for your literature review.

You must only use (peer-reviewed) journal articles. If you are doing a feasibility study, you may cite industry reports published by credible sources.
Company letterSee details above (read the section ‘Requirements’)

Marking criteria


CriteriaHigh DistinctionDistinctionCreditPassFailMark
Report title·  Brief

·  Indicative of research problem

·  Includes industry partner name
Expertly developed, informs the specific research problem and industry partnerComprehensively developed, informs the specific research problem and industry partnerWell developed, informs the specific research problem and industry partnerSatisfactorily developed, informs the specific research problem and industry partnerPoorly developed, and does not inform the specific research problem and industry partner1
Industry partner·  Suitable industry partner identified

·  Comprehensive overview of industry partner
An appropriate and specific industry partner has been chosen, and it's background thoroughly presentedAn appropriate and specific industry partner has been chosen, and it's background satisfactorily presentedAn appropriate though not specific industry partner has been chosen, and it's background satisfactorily presentedAn appropriate though not specific industry partner has been chosen, and it's background not adequately presentedIndustry partner not mentioned/suitable and it's background not adequately presented1.5
Research field·  Research field/discipline correctly identifiedResearch problem perfectly fits within the research field/discipline identifiedResearch problem satisfactorily fits within the research field/discipline identifiedResearch problem somewhat fits within the research field/discipline identifiedResearch problem marginally fits within the research field/discipline identifiedResearch problem does not fit within the research field/discipline identified0.5
Research problem·  Research problem is clearly identified

·  Research scope/focus is sufficiently narrowed down

·  Significance of the research problem is well established
Research problem clearly identified, research focus sufficiently narrowed down, and significance of the research well establishedResearch problem clearly identified, research focus sufficiently narrowed down, and significance of the research not well establishedResearch problem clearly identified, research focus needs to be further narrowed down, and significance of the research not well establishedResearch problem not quite specific, research focus is broad, and significance of the research not establishedResearch problem not identified, research focus is broad, and significance of the research not established4.5
Research aim·  Research aim closely linked to the research problemResearch aim closely linked to the research problemResearch aim satisfactorily linked to the research problemResearch aim somewhat linked to the research problemResearch aim marginally linked to the research problemResearch aim not linked to the research problem1
Research question(s)·  Research question(s) is(are) specific to the research problem

·  Research question(s) is/are specific to the industry partner

·  Research question(s) closely linked to the research aim

·  Answer(s) to research question(s) is/are able to solve the problem
Research question(s) is(are) specific to research problem, aim and industry partner, answer(s) to research question(s) will be able to solve the research problemResearch question(s) is(are) specific to research problem and aim, but not to the industry partner, answer(s) to research question(s) will be able to solve the research problemResearch question(s) is(are) related to research problem and aim, but not to the industry partner, answer(s) to research question(s) will not be able to solve the research problemResearch question(s) is(are) vaguely related to research problem and aim, but not to the industry partner, answer(s) to research question(s) will not be able to solve the research problemResearch question(s) is(are) not specific to research problem, aim and industry partner, answer(s) to research question(s) will not be able to solve the research problem3.5
Keywords·  Ability of keywords to identify relevant literatureThe stated keywords are perfect to identify relevant literatureThe stated keywords are likely to identify relevant literatureThe stated keywords are likely to identify both relevant and irrelevant literatureThe stated keywords are related to the research problem but not specific enough to identify relevant literatureThe stated keywords are too long or short or unrelated to the research problem and unlikely to identify relevant literature1
References·  Quality of the sources/references

·  Relevance to the research problem

·  Currency of the source/reference
Sources noted are relevant, of good quality, current and presented in correct formatSources noted are relevant, of good quality, current but not presented in correct formatSources noted are relevant, of good quality but dated and/or not presented in correct formatSources noted are relevant, but not of good quality/dated/not presented in correct formatSources noted are not relevant, not of good quality and dated/not presented in correct format2
Total      15





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