Assessment item 2 – Research Proposal Presentation

Assessment item 2 – Research Proposal Presentation

Assessment item 2 – Research Proposal Presentation

Due:                    Sunday of Week 6, 11pm AEST

Length:               Up to 15 minutes

Conditions:        Individual

Weighting:         35%


You are required to present the research proposal either through collaborate online, or in person or some other arrangement with approval from your tutor. The presentation should be supported by PowerPoint slides, outline the research plan and demonstrate your communication skills.

Please note that you MUST upload your Powerpoint slides through Turnitin.


A template is provided for you to base your presentation on.

A step-by-step guide for recording your presentation on Blackboard Collaborate is provided.

Marking Criteria: Next page

Marking Criteria:


SectionsAssessing criteriaWeightage
Research problem·      Research problem is clearly explained

·      Research scope/focus is sufficiently narrowed down

·      Significance of the research problem is well established

2 marks
Research aim·      Research aim closely linked to the research problem1 mark
Research question(s)·      Research question(s) is/are specific to the research problem

·      Research question(s) is/are specific to the industry partner

·      Research question(s) closely linked to the research aim

·      Answer(s) to research question(s) is/are able to solve the problem


2 marks
Literature review·       Literature reviewed is relevant to the research problem

·       Literature reviewed is comprehensive

·       Clear identification and summary of potential factors causing the research problem or the knowledge gap in the literature

·       Presents a conceptual map which clearly explains all independent and dependent factors or the knowledge gap

7.5 marks
Research design·       Chosen research method is adequately justified

·       Proposed sample is relevant to solve the research problem

·       Proposed sampling method suits the research method

·       Research tool(s) is well developed for the data required

·       Proposed research plan addresses all ethical concerns


12.5 marks
Presentation·       Oral:     Presentation completed within recommended time

Presentation was fluent and clear

·       Written: Appropriate amount of content on slides

Slides were well prepared (layout, font size, visuals)

10 marks
Total: 35 marks






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