PPMP20008 Assessment 2 Project Scenario CQUniversity NAIDOC Week Celebrations

PPMP20008 Assessment 2

Project Scenario

CQUniversity NAIDOC Week Celebrations

  1. Project Title:

CQUniversity NAIDOC Week Celebrations
  1. Concept:

Increase the awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ perspectives by creating opportunities for CQU staff and students to engage with and celebrateNational Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC).
  1. Background

The School of Engineering and Technology (SET) Indigenisation Committee is interested in projects that will:
  • Provide opportunities for respectful and culturally appropriate engagement and collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and/or

  • Improve CQU staff and student awareness and understanding of indigenous Australian perspectives and cultures.

At the last meeting,the Committee discussed ideas forhosting events on CQU campuses. The preferred optionof the committee was a project to celebrateNAIDOC week by hostingsimultaneous events on the main campuses.

  1. Preferred Project

The School of Engineering and Technology (SET) Indigenisation Committee has requesteda projectto host events celebrating NAIDOC Week at the following CQUniversity campuses: Rockhampton, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.The Committee emphasised that the events were an opportunity for CQU staff and students to engage with and build collaborative relationships with the local Aboriginal Communities.

Visit the NAIDOC week website:http://www.naidoc.org.au/ to complete the details below.

The events are to reflect the current years NAIDOC week theme, which is:

Events are to occur during NAIDOC week. This year NAIDOC week falls on the following dates:
  1. Your Task

The Chair of the CQUniversity SET Indigenisation Committee, Ms Natalie Ewin,has tasked you with providing the project board with furtherinformation in relation to the project. The Chair will act as the Project Executive for the project board. You are to develop a project plan that reflects the project described in this document and aligns to PMBoK and Prince2 requirements.
  1. Due Date

This submission is due in week 8.
  1. Template

The Project Executive has supplied a template, which has been tailored to suit the organisational context and incorporates elements of both a project plan and a charter. You are to use the template for the assessment. Delete all blue explanatory text prior to submitting.
  1. Marking Breakdown

The marking breakdown below for the submission and are reflected in thecontent headingsof the template provided. To ensure you do not lose marks, ensure you understand the project topic, the content headings and check your writing quality i.e. spelling, grammar etc.

Content of project submissionMarks
Project description and justification7
Requirements management5



  1. Group or Individual

Assessment task 2 is agroupassessment. There is to be a maximum of four students per group. Each member of the group must be enrolled in the same tutorial.



Each term groups are investigated for academic misconduct; this includes the group members who authored the original submission. It is your responsibility to ensure you understand what constitutes academic misconduct and the consequences. All members of your group will be found guilty regardless of who in the group provided (or failed to secure) the submission as well as those who have copied. 

CQUniverstiy NAIDOC week celebrations

Term 1 ass_2

Project Plan

Student nameStudent numberQu/s responsible for.


Campus:Insert campus or distance

Tutor:Insert tutor name

Tutorial number:Insert the tutorial number

Notes to the Author

[This document is a template. It has been tailored to suit the assessment. All fields within the template should be completed as per the project scenario provided.
  • Blue italicized text provides an explanation of what should be included for each section. Remove all blue text prior to submission.If there are two or more options for you to decide between, revert the option you are keeping to black and remove the other.



1      Project Description

1.1         Project Description and Background

(1 mark)

Information describing the project scenariocan be found in the assessment specification file and from your own research. DO NOT cut and paste the background from the Project Scenario here. You must provide a considered and concise description of the project in your own wordsincluding the major deliverables and the background.


1.2         Justification

(3 Marks)




Figure: Flow diagram of Prince2 Output, Outcome, Benefits retrieved on 30/06/17



The Project Executive notes that this project does not generate profits for the organization but believes the project aligns to the strategic direction of the organization. To justify the project the Project Executive wants to be able to map the output of the project to an observable positive result (outcome) that can be measured (Benefit). Fill in the Output -> Outcome -> Benefits tablebelow. For further information look at the information relating to ‘Business Case’ in your Prince2 text. 






2      Stakeholders

List 6 key stakeholders or stakeholder groups. In this list you must include at least one key stakeholder that is asponsor, supplier and a user. Be specific when listing who the stakeholder or stakeholder group’s are and include the category in the second column. Do not include the project manager as a stakeholder.

The description of interest should describe the stakeholder’s (or stakeholder groups) main interest in the project. The description of influence should describe the potential influence the stakeholder or stakeholder group has on the project. Complete the table below titled ‘Key stakeholder list’.

2.1Key Stakeholder List

(6 Marks)

 Stakeholder Category

(i.e. Sponsor / Supplier / User)
Descriptionof InterestDescriptionof Influence










2.2 Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix (3 marks)


The Project Board has asked you to complete a ‘Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix’. Please complete the matrix below for the six stakeholders previously identified.


Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix


Stakeholder UnawareResistantNeutralSupportive Leading


2.3 Stakeholder Communication (1 mark)


The Project Board has asked you to provide advice on how best to communicate with the stakeholders who are not on the Project Board or in the Project Team.

Describe the communication method you believe will be most effective, state whether the method is PULL or PUSH communication, and briefly justify your choice.


Communication methodPULL or PUSHJustification







(5 marks)

3.1.1      Traditional Owner/s of the land on which CQ University campuses are located (1 mark).

The Senior Supplierhas asked whether there can be a single key stakeholder representing the Traditional Owners of the land on which the relevant Central Queensland Campuses are located. The Project Executive suggests that they will need more than one key stakeholder representing the Traditional Owners of the land on which Central Queensland Campuses are located.


Describe which approach is most appropriate and provide a brief explanation justifying your answer.


3.1.2      Opening statement style

(1 mark)

The Project Boardhas asked that the respective campus leaders open the event on their campus and ask youradvice regarding which statement should be used when opening each event. The Boardare not sure if it should be a Welcome to Country or an Acknowledgement of Country. The campus leaders are not of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent.

State which of the two opening statement styles ‘Welcome to Country’ or ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ is appropriate for the campus leaders to use and provide a brief explanation justifying your answer.


3.1.3      Requirements gathering for each event

(1 mark)

The Senior Supplier representing the event management company engaged to designthe event program and host the event, provides the following information to the project board:

One of their event program designers previously developed an eventprogram for the local Vietnamese community. The designer is confident they could utilise the same event program and modify the content accordingly to suit the language, customs and protocols - which he can research all online. Using this desktop research and design would save both time and money, as there would be no need to contact anyone outside the current project team.

State whether the suggestion of using the previous event program and desktop researchfor the NAIDOC week events isan appropriate method of requirements gathering? Briefly explain your answer.

3.1.4      Requirements traceability

(1 mark)

As multiple campuses will be involved in the project, the project board has requested requirements be tracked centrally. What document is used to track or ‘trace’ requirements throughout the project life cycle?


3.1.5      Requirements prioritization process

(1 mark)

The project board are concerned they may have competing requirements from a number of stakeholders. To manage this they would like to define a requirement prioritisation process that can be shared with all stakeholders prior to requirements gathering and want to use the MoSCoW technique for this purpose.List the four components of the MoSCoW technique


4      SCOPE

4.1      Work breakdown structure

(3 marks)

The WBS must comprise 3 levels and 6 work packages (see diagram below). Please note: The third level comprises work packages. You need to insert a name in each of these work packages.






















Note: This WBS is intended to represent the full project scope of the training project.



4.2      WBS Dictionary


Complete the WBS dictionary below. The dictionary describes each element in the WBS diagram. In this assessment you are required to complete a table for each work packagewithin your WBS.There are 2 marks allocated for each of the first six work packages listed.


Note: This WBS is intended to represent the full project scope of the project.


<Insert work package name>

Description of work 
Cost Estimate 
Start and Finish Dates 

<Insert work package name>

Description of work 
Cost Estimate 
Start and Finish Dates 

<Insert work package name>

Description of work 
Cost Estimate 
Start and Finish Dates 

<Insert work package name>

Description of work 
Cost Estimate 
Start and Finish Dates 




<Insert work package name>

Description of work 
Cost Estimate 
Start and Finish Dates 


<Insert work package name>

Description of work 
Cost Estimate 
Start and Finish Dates 





5      Schedule (6 MARKS)

5.1      Schedule

The project executive has asked that theproject work be completed in time for NAIDOC week this year. However, project work cannot be started earlier than 14May.

In the tables that follow, list at least three (3) work activities for each of the six (6) work packages selected.Also include the start and end dates and duration in days for each activity.

<Insert work package name>

ActivityDescription of work Start DateEnd Date Duration



<Insert work package name>

ActivityDescription of workStart DateEnd Date Duration



<Insert work package name>

ActivityDescription of workStart DateEnd Date Duration



<Insert work package name>

ActivityDescription of workStart DateEnd Date Duration



<Insert work package name>

ActivityDescription of workStart DateEnd Date Duration



<Insert work package name>

ActivityDescription of workStart DateEnd Date Duration




6      Cost Baseline (4 MARKS)


[The project executive has stated the project plan needs to be funded from existing funds and wants to understand the cost baseline for project activities you have listed in your schedule. For the purpose of the assignmentuse the activities identified in section 5.1 above. In addition, it is assumed that the cost you estimate for each activity will include the cost of human resources, materials and equipment.



WBS idActivity name12345678910
 Total weekly cost          
 Cumulative cost          

7      Risks

(3 marks)

Complete the condensed risk register below to describe three (3) risks associated with the project. The three (3) risks are to include two (2) threats and one (1) opportunity. As the cost will be coming from existing budgets and the timeframes cannot be changed, do not include risks about restricted funding or time.


Risk Register



Description Likelihood Impact Response type Mitigation strategy






(1 mark)In the table belowindicate what tolerance is specified in the project for cost and time only.


Tolerance Specific Tolerance allowed
Tolerance specified for time

Tolerance specified for cost



9      LESSONS

(2 marks)One of the project team members shared a lesson learnt from a previoussimilar project in which they were involved.The lesson involved problems encountered withattendance of students and staff to campus events. Attendance was low when students and staff perceived that the event did not relate to them or they had little interest in the theme. Considering the lesson above and the NAIDOC week theme, complete the table belowproposing a specific activity to be added to the project scope that you believe will address this previous lesson. State which work package the activity should be added to.


Previous lessons learned Proposed activity to address 

(in current project) 
Work package which activity will be added

Previously there have been problems with attendance of students and staff at campus events. Attendance was low when students and staff perceived that the event did not relate to them or they had little interest in the event theme.

Project Submission Approval

The undersigned acknowledge that they have reviewed the<Project Name>Assessment Task 2 and agree with the information presented within this document.


Signature: Date: 
Print Name:   
Organisation:[Consider who would have the authority to approve the start of this project?]


Include your reference list and ensure that you have used in-text referencing


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